Anyways, have you ever felt that you're stylista ideas are bursting and you would like to draw them on paper? I do. Sometimes I feel like creating a whole ensemble of clothes and dresses. As I child I used to play Paper Dolls where I also draw their dresses and styled them.
Now I found the perfect website for this. is a free, easy-to-use web-based application for mixing and matching images from anywhere on the web. It is also a vibrant community of creative and stylish people.
Polyvore lets you create sets composed of individual images using an easy to use, drag and drop editor. After you have created a set, you can publish and share it with your friends and the Polyvore community.
It is often described as "highly addictive" by those who fall in love with its collaging functionality and spend hours creating sets to share with others.
Polyvore offers an unprecedented level of direct engagement with real products and brands, while its social features make it a powerful platform for the creation and distribution of user-generated advertising.

What dyou think of the first inspiration board I designed using POLYVORE.COM?

I also plan to use this website to design the inspiration boards for the products at my shoppe. So please visit my ONLINE SHOPPE for more exciting things to come.
I've tried this too though I'm not that really good in mixing and matching clothes.... :D